El comercio ambulante en
La Cancha
Your Help
Gifts and Donations
When we consider that the ambulantes are arguably some of the poorest workers in Bolivia, which the poorest country in South America, it is undeniable that the primary resource that they need is money. With most ambulantes owning only $7-15 USD to their name, their dream of creating a safe haven for their children is certainly impossible to do on their own. For more information on monetary donations, contact Amy Torres at .
ProJusticia Bolivia
ProJusticia is the not-for-profit organization that Rutgers students worked with in Bolivia. The website provides ongoing information about the ambulantes' project in addition to several other Cochabamba-based projects.

Rutgers University Study Abroad
Students who are interested in going to Bolivia with our program can register through the Rutgers Study Abroad Program. Students can register for the six week Law, Justice and Rights in Latin America program to help the ambulantes develop viable and sustainable strategies for the guaderia.

Rutgers University Anthropology Department

Rutgers University Latin American Studies Department

A young ambulante sells bread at a busy intersection
Officer diligentes of "Los Angeles"